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Human+Tech Synergy

The role of technology is to improve human lives, not to replace them. Through our projects, we seek to strike a balance between valuable human input and technological automation to bring you the most accurate information and the best products — both digital and physical — in the world.

Everything you must know

The world is drowning in misinformation, breeding ignorance. Perhaps it is impossible to correct it all, but every bit that provides a rational counterbalance is surely valuable. This was why the blog Critical Spectator was started in 2015 and has since grown to provide more factual, data-backed information on topics that all of us not only should, but must know.

Visit critical.SG

Less is More

The world of digital retail is flooded with product spam, drowning out quality goods and manufacturers, just like junk mail keeps flooding our inboxes. This is not the way it should be. Part of our mission is to restore balance, providing space and attention only to good products — and the good people who make them.

Coming soon…


Synergy in Visual Design

Despite controversy and widespread protests, artificial intelligence is here to stay as the new engine of graphic design. That said, there’s only so much that machines can do in the production of functional imagery that is used in real life for concrete business purposes. Humans are still needed to bridge that last gap. This is what we do.

Coming soon…


Raeus Pte. Ltd.

Write to us with any enquiries regarding the company or our products.

68 Circular Rd. 02-01
049422 Singapore